Accreditations and Memberships
PHAROS are proud to be accredited to or members of the following esteemed organisations. They all strive to achieve or encourage the very best standards within their sectors and that is why PHAROS are honoured to stand alongside them.

Institute for Outdoor Learning
The IOL is the professional body for organisations and individuals who use the outdoors for educating others. It acts as a force for good to those working in the outdoor learning sector by sharing good practice, delivering training and accreditation and lobbying policy makers. One of the PHAROS directors is a former IOL Trustee and we value the fantastic work done by the IOL.

Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel
Through its network of members, the OEAP supports Local Authorities and schools by sharing and developing educational visit good practice. PHAROS director Julian Penney, along with other members of the Pharos team, are Members of OEAP, which helps ensure that PHAROS client schools receive up to date advice on school trips and outdoor learning that is in line with the OEAP National Guidance framework.

Royal Geographical Society
The Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) is the UK’s learned society and professional body for geography. Internationally renowned and with such a history, we value the variety of work done by the RGS. We have been particularly close to the work of Geography Outdoors for many years and the advice provided around expeditions and the passionate leadership of British Standard 8848. Both PHAROS directors and several of our team are Fellows of the RGS and we are one of the largest providers of the Offsite Safety Management course that is certified through the RGS.

British Safety Council
PHAROS has been a member of the British Safety Council since we started in 2011. We value the advice on health and safety standards that this not-for-profit organisation provides, as well as the excellent training courses our staff have attended over the years.

The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom
The Council for Learning Outside the Classroom champions the significant benefits that outdoor education provides children and young people through its work with schools and educational visits providers. The charity provides excellent support to teaching professionals and also administers the Learning Outside the Classroom Quality Badge accreditation scheme.

Travel Aware
The Travel Aware campaign is run by the Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) to raise awareness of key safety and other risks for UK travellers before they travel abroad. PHAROS have been a Travel Aware partner for over ten years and we very much value the essential messages of this campaign that are perhaps needed now more than ever.

Armed Forces Covenant
The armed forces played a big part in the lives of both PHAROS Directors, Julian and Chris, as well as for a number of the team. We continue to support members of the Armed Forces where possible and PHAROS is proud to have signed the Government’s Armed Forces Covenant.

The CPD Certification Service
The CPD Certification Service is an independent CPD accreditation organisation that works across all industry sectors to provide assurance of training quality. Specific courses that PHAROS deliver are assessed by the CPD Certification Service when our clients request additional external training assurance.