Coronavirus: Top 10 tips to keep schools safe
We have identified a few common areas where schools can further improve to help reduce the impact of a positive case on the school and ultimately to make schools an even safer place
At Pharos we have spent the past couple of months helping schools with their COVID-19 risk assessments and management plans and more recently in responding to positive cases. In doing so we have identified a few common areas where schools can further improve to help reduce the impact of a positive case on the school and ultimately to make schools an even safer place to be while the rest of the country is locked down.
To be of assistance to more schools we have written this into an article on Juniper Education’s website.
We fully recognise that schools have done a fantastic job in responding to the challenge presented by Coronavirus and this is in no way a criticism of the excellent work they have done and are doing to keep our children in education, merely a guide to provide assistance as positive cases in schools is now a daily occurrence.