Pharos Privacy Policy
Incident response services
Your information has been shared with Pharos by our client organisation as they were concerned that you could become involved in situations where your own health and wellbeing could be at risk or be negatively impacted by your activity with them. Pharos is committed to protecting your information that we will temporarily process, acting on behalf of our client who is the data controller. This statement explains why, how and what information we may need to use and temporarily store. If you are under 16, your parent/guardians are encouraged to read this statement. We encourage you to read our client’s privacy policy which applies to you through any contract, agreement or booking conditions that you accepted. In this, you will have consented to our client sharing your information with us in specific incident situations that are in your vital interests. The information to which we have access may include sensitive data such as your date of birth, passport number, travel insurance and health conditions. We may need to use your personal information for the purposes of providing you or our client with immediate incident support and assistance. We will not hold your personal data for longer than is necessary for the above purpose and we will never share this with third parties for their marketing or other unrelated purposes. If a third-party organisation is engaged by Pharos to provide additional incident support and assistance in your vital interests, we will not share any information other than your name and contact details. They will separately seek your further consent to process additional personal information provided by you that it is assessed may be beneficial to help preserve and protect your immediate health and wellbeing. Only trained Pharos Incident Managers will have access to your personal information, using a number of operational controls and technologies that include encrypted software to reduce the possibility of your information being lost or misused. If you wish to see what information we hold about you, to correct it or for a copy of our Data Protection Policy, please contact the Pharos Data Compliance Officer or 01183 800140.
Non-incident related services and general enquiries
We have obtained your personal information because you have either contacted us about our services or because the organisation with whom you are associated has entered into a contract for services with Pharos. Pharos is committed to protecting your information. This statement explains why, how and what information we may need to use and temporarily store. The information we store will be limited to your name and contact details necessary to fulfil the following purposes:
- to carry out our obligations arising from contracts entered into by your organisation with Pharos;
- to seek your views or comments on the services we provide;
- to notify you of changes to our services;
- to send you communications which you have requested or that we hope may be of interest to you.
Only Pharos staff will have access to your personal information, using a number of operational controls and technologies that include encrypted software to reduce the possibility of your information being lost or misused. We will not hold your personal data for any longer than is necessary for the above purposes and we would never share this with third parties for their marketing purposes. Naturally, if you would prefer that we don’t hold your contact details, we will remove this straight away and will not contact you again with the details you have provided. If you wish to see what information we hold about you, to correct it or for a copy of our Data Protection Policy, please contact the Pharos Compliance Officer using the contact us form or by telephoning 01183 800140.