Don't slip up! Risk Assessment Training for Schools
3-hours via Zoom just £90+VAT
Book your place today!
In our experience, schools are usually great at having risk assessment documents in place but their quality and practical application is sometimes questionable. Ensure your staff are up-to-date and suitably skilled to create and approve fit-for-purpose risk assessments that help keep people safe without increasing your risk of litigation.
This course is suitable for colleagues who need to write risk assessments or supervise others who do.
1. Risk assessments: what, why, who, how, when?
In this section, we cover the legal frameworks, key terminologies, types and stages of risk assessment and competencies.
2. Hazards & control measures
In this section, we will discuss how to identify hazards, the hierarchy of control measures, those who might be harmed and the types of control measures.
3. Worked examples, top tips, quiz and surgery
In this section we will cover some key principles and common pitfalls, some top tips for the management of risk assessments and workshop some group tasks in an open forum as well as a quiz before opening up to a surgery session for any unanswered questions or concerns.
This will be run as an informal workshop style session delivered via Zoom with a small group and regular breaks.
Your course facilitator: This course will be facilitated by Julian Penney, MD of Pharos Response. Julian is a former Army Officer, is Health & Safety qualified, a Outdoor Education Advisers’ Panel Member, an Adviser to HSE consultations, is one of the drafting committee members of BSI 8848 (school expeditions) and the new International Standard for school visits and is a Fellow of both the Royal Geographical Society and British Exploring.
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